Trained Barefoot Researchers presenting their work to the students of the Psychology Department from University of Mumbai.

Arjun Appadurai’s essay ‘Right to Research’, believes that everyone has a right to research regardless of their backgrounds (as a diverse group of researchers brings many perspectives to the study). Keeping this belief in our heart PUKAR has been working on breaking barriers between academic and barefoot – grassroot level researchers.

Last week we invited the ex-fellows of PUKAR Youth Fellowship to present their work to the students of the psychology department from University of Mumbai, in order to give them a glimpse into the research done by PUKAR’s trained barefoot researchers. Our young researchers talked about their journey from choosing their topics as a group to the challenges they faced along with the outcomes. Post the presentations, there was an intense question-answers session through which both, the ex-Fellows and psychology students interacted and learned new things. It was an enriching experience for all of us to witness. We were also honored to receive the precious plant and the handmade ‘Thank You’ card. The day ended with all the people sharing love and respect for each person in the room.