TARUNAEE 2004-2005

The project was aimed at engaging the youth in self and locality documentation to articulate their concerns about urban life. It explored the process of research and documentation as tools for pedagogy and social intervention. The participants were Marathi speaking youth associated with various organizations – educational, government and non-government. They represented diverse socio-economic and educational strata and had no previous experience. They worked in groups on themes relevant to their experiences. The broad themes were – environment, language, migration, sexuality and globalization. For their documentation, the participants made innovative use of various media such as photography, songs, interviews, paintings and poems. The process has also been documented into a Marathi book “Paach Prashna Shambhar Uttare”. PUKAR partnered with Mobile Creches, Maharashtra Nature Park, Girangaon Rojgar Hakk Samiti, R.A.Podar College of Commerce and Economics and St. Joseph College for this project.