MHADA Housing Socio-Economic Exploration: University of California, Berkley – PUKAR Collaboration

University of California, Berkley – PUKAR Collaboration   This project explored the lottery system of Maharashtra Housing and Development Agency that delivers houses to the marginalized citizens of Mumbai. This system is based upon people applying for the lottery housing and winning the lottery.  The project involved surveying and interviewing 500 Winners and 500 Non-Winners of the lottery.  The questions explored their financial conditions, their ability to gather funds from various sources for purchasing the house if they win the lottery. For those who got the homes, the affordability, predictability, and service delivery of the new houses was explored as was the political connections in relation to winning the lottery.   The project also viewed the usage and or sale of the property whether legal or illegal. Finding the non – winners was the toughest job our Barefoot Researches had to do.